Archives For internet safety

Many of our children today are hurting…
some are secretly addicted to explicit and harmful content,
are addicted to gaming,
are victims of cyber bullying,
or worse – are part of the estimated 50,000 abductions per year…
We as parents and educators need to equip them and ourselves to not only protect them but also train their hearts and minds to help them stay on track.
It is time to work together to rescue children and youth who are ensnared by the internet and struggling… they desperately want to return to the path of peace.

10 Common Pitfalls & 10 Potential Solutions for Improved Internet Safety
TRUE internet safety is an oxymoron. As parents we can implement precautionary internet safety systems to filter content, block unwanted addresses, limit time, monitor chats and other activities when our children are online. However, tech savvy kids sometimes discover ways to BUST through internet safety nets just for the challenge.
Here are 10 common mistakes and 10 potential solutions. The best safeguards to truly help kids stay safe are instilling integrity and wisdom.

******Lot’s of static from my hair that was in braids =) Hint: never combine braids with a microphone that leans against the hair!*****

Ridley Concepts & Solutions

I am astounded by this article and the great book I am reading called “Digital Invasion, The: How Technology is Shaping You and Your Relationships” which I can’t wait to share about when I finish.

In my personal life I have noticed as a parent that my children seem to loose their creativity and interest in playing when they spend too much time with screens. Maybe it happens from a combination of too many educational TV programs and online learning. They seem bored more often and act like they don’t know what to do with themselves when getting free time. They BEG for another TV show or another view of their favorite Brain Pop, Jr. When that happens, we move toward balance again but cutting way back on technology. Meanwhile, this phenomena is well founded in brain science. Thrilling!

I learned that there are serious potential health affects when our children delve too often in the digital jungle. There are affects on a child’s brain development that can lead to problems later in life if not detected.

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Heloise believes that we as parents, caretakers and educators:

Can equip our children with wisdom and knowledge to help them make wise choices online.

Can provide a safe haven for children and youth who realize they are off track and want help to reach out without judgment.

Can help them get back on track and offer services based on the level of support they need.

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