Recent Presentations & Facilitations
- Decolonizing English Counseling for Marginalized Population in Taiwan: Culturally Attuned Trauma-informed Counseling for Caribbean, African & African American College Students (Taiwan Multicultural Counseling Association, 2024)
- National Family Week Conference, Strengths over Stigma: Culturally Attuned Healing: Addressing Trauma and Stigma to Foster Growth (Family Service Association of Northeast Pennsylvania, 2024)
- Global Marketplace Leaders, South Africa (CF Easton, 2024)
- Decolonizing Therapy: Approaching Mental Health for BIPOC Communities in Taiwan and the U.S. (TaiwanPlus Connected TV, 2025)
- Courageous and Restorative Conversations: Building Cultural Bridges (AEDP, 2025)
- Emotional Intelligence (Project of Easton, 2025)
- Diversity Workshop: Impacting Mental Health and Resilience in the BIPOC College Community (Wilkes University, 2022)
- AACC Conference: Using AEDP to Access the Spiritual Core of BIPOC Clients and Facilitate Recovery from Racial Trauma (American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC World Conference, 2023)
- Trauma-informed education in 2022: Effective Practices (Calvary Baptist School, 2022)
- The Impact of Culturally Responsive Trauma-Informed Professional Development on Educator Knowledge, Dispositions, and Attitudes Toward Traumatized K-12 Students (Christian School, 2021)
- Parenting Toolkit Workshop: Managing Anxiety in Your Children and Yourself (Forks Church, 2021)
- AEDP Immersion (Attachment): Cultural Considerations: Exploring AEDP to Promote Transformance in Clients Impacted by Racialized Trauma (AEDP Institute, 2022)
- Now What? Organizational Response to Sexual Abuse (VC, Philadelphia, 2022)
- AEDP with Applications to Racialized and Other Relational Developmental Trauma, Experiential Assistant (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2023)
- Trauma Healing for Organizations (Project Easton, 2023)
- Trauma-Informed Parenting in 2023: Managing Anxiety in Our Kids… and Ourselves (Bethlehem Christian School, 2023)
- Facilitating the Healing of Microaggressions (AEDP, 2024)
- Trauma-informed Care & The Brain (Project of Easton, 2024)
- Trauma-informed Social Justice (Project of Easton, 2024)