Heart to Heart for Parents: It’s OK To Discipline Kids Lovingly

Heloise "Lois" Ridley, MBA, MA —  June 14, 2015


Parenting Discipline

Parenting Work: Parents It’s OK To Lovingly Discipline Your Children…

Parenting can be hard work right?
We as parents often struggle to balance our relationships with our children. I know I do.

Sometimes its a challenge because we want a closer friendship with our kids.

It’s important though to remember though….

 It is OK to lovingly discipline children.


I am not talking about abusing children, swinging at them randomly, hurting them, cursing them out. That is not effective and is extremely damaging.

What I am talking about is loving discipline which takes time. I don’t always feel like it to be honest. But it is a lot more difficult and a lot more work when I get lazy.

In those times I feel God nudging in my heart:

“Heloise… the kids are not obeying you the first time anymore, lately… you are repeating what you need them to do over and over again, that’s why you are so frustrated…its becoming their new habit.”

I realize ignoring their actions that need correction will hurt them in the long run.

I might reply to God in a moment of frustration like this:

“But God… I’m so tired. What about….” To rehearse to God my list of responsibilities.

He is quick to reply in my heart.

“Heloise are you going to do this the easy way?…”

Then I remember some of the painful lessons in the past, when I didn’t parent right away until the situation blew up in my face and I had months of re-correcting to do. Uggh!

Like some internet woes we had years ago when I didn’t protect my biological and spiritual kids online despite many nudges and help God sent. I did respond to some but overall, I did not “get it” until it escalated. Then, we took proactive measures and learned a lot.

So NOW, when God asks me: “Are you going to listen to me now to handle this the easy way?” I get it.

So I feel as parents, it’s not always easy to discipline children, especially if we are tired, pregnant, working long hours, sick, caring for loved ones, depressed and so on.

BUT, God can help us if we call on Him for wisdom and strength. Plus, He sends others to help us hold our chin up.

Be encouraged to proactively discipline your children and especially your teens in your home and those extra children assigned to you. Extra youth in your life may visit your house, be at your work, be a part of your extended family, no matter.

They will thank you later!


No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.

Hebrews 12:11