My 2020 Lament for Social Injustice and Hope for Change

Heloise "Lois" Ridley, MBA, MA —  May 29, 2020

My heart is heavy…. 

Again injustice. Again blood shed. Again.

Piles of literature in journals with statistics that mount up to the heavens. Oppression has an impact on all of us. Our entire nation suffers when some are mistreated, neglected, violated. We know this… yet still, more more more of the same treatment. 

Now what? We need the miracle of heart level changes. 

Is one small step dealing with the tangled generational trauma that keeps giving us the same results? Violence.

Generational trauma is an emotional cancer that erodes our safety and keeps being passed down to our children who grow up learning about hatred. Our kids struggle to make sense of an illness. Then the same inequity and injustice perpetuates and rips apart our people. Like this week.

Lord help us! Our nation needs healing from the inside. Blood is on our hands. The bride needs a shower.

Only You can fix this mess. You can give us the courage to look inside. You can strengthen us. Only You have the answers we need collaboration to discover.  

A glimmer of help amidst the gulf of darkness is a movement being birthed. Generational Trauma (GT) curriculum and the Unchained documentary to help us tackle some of the onion layers of wounds. Although we weep, we ask You to help us try.

We will see your greater works Lord.

Unchained Documentary from American Bible Society on Vimeo.

A screenshot for Quest Movement where I recently attended training for Generational Trauma. This curriculum is developed in collaboration with the authors of Healing the Wounds of Trauma curriculum which has been used in 100s of countries for almost 20 years.

Quest Movement will be galvanizing to reorganize trainings and healing groups amidst changes to format required by covid19 restrictions. More to come soon…..