Please Help Me Assist Trafficked Victims in Greece This July 3-15

Heloise "Lois" Ridley, MBA, MA —  April 11, 2015


gofundme heloise ridley

Hello my friends!

I am taking this quick moment to share something with you….

A ministry opportunity with Nea Zoi Ministries in Greece.

Its coming up this summer and I’m prepping for it now. I have mixed feelings to be honest. I am soooooo thankful for the opportunity and yet at the same time I know I will see some people who are caught up in prostitution, poverty and hardship. That will be tough because it is tragic. I have put details on my GoFundMe page if you want to help me get there. GoFundMe is a new website to me that actually a youth at our church recommended to me =) So much of my life is influenced by what I learn from young people. =)

Here is my GoFundMe page to learn more to PRAY or donate:

This July 3-15th, I have a unique ministry opportunity to serve with Nea Zoi (New Life) Ministries in Athens, Greece.

This group serves as a refuge to women and men enslaved in the human trafficking industry through the “local church and community… where those in prostitution in Athens can find restoration and new life”. Greece is a key transit and destination country for many women and children who are being trafficked for the purpose of sexual exploitation originating primarily from Eastern Europe and Soviet Bloc countries Nigeria, and Brazil. Close to 800,000 individuals are trafficked for various purposes every year across the borders of Greece. The organization also serves others in need including youth which I believe is wonderful and vitally needed. 

…One main reason I applied for this trip goes back to how God tends to use me…
to help empower people, to help them get set free from what hinders them and to encourage them walk with God in His power to change their lives and the world.  If we are already friends you know that this is what motivates and drives me to help and uplift those God puts in my path. To be honest it is painful, tearful work at times and very difficult… but I believe it’s worth it when I have the privilege of watching a person take steps to turn their lives around. That is exhilarating!

To impact a life is a priceless lifelong endeavor I  only attempt when I partner with God and go where He leads… this time it is Greece. I realize there will be deep pain there and ask for your prayers.

In this trip, our group from Liberty University hope to not only help the victims but those volunteers who serve to help them throughout the year.


This GoFundMe is an earnest appeal for your prayer support.

Secondly, $2,800 to defray a portion of the costs toward my flight, passport, and fees.

Updated  Deadlines: 
$2,800 by June 20th

As a thank you:
1.  If your church or organization needs empowering training sessions for your parents or youth group … please let me know so we can discuss. 

2. In collaboration with JWear we will send a “Not In My City” t-shirt to take a stand against Human Trafficking. This T-shirt is part of a movement of individuals working together to see a change in this trend domestically. Any donation over $30 is welcome to get this shirt as a special thank you =) Please just let me know =)


Not In My City T-Shirt  By JWear

Not In My City T-Shirt
By JWear