Archives For Education

Internet safety was an issue most caretakers and educators find challenging. I have included a handout that is basically a conversation starter

“10 Potential Solutions for Improved Internet Safety”

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“Parents need support understanding how to help their kids cope and process this tragedy… not just this one, but the  many others students live through that don’t ever make it to the headlines.”

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This is good news! God will help us raise our children and youth. He will also reach out and help our adult children who have left the next. I believe He will fill in the gaps of parenting and the lessons they resisted learning from us 🙂

God is the author and finisher of their faith. 

BUT… We do have to do our part. I believe God helps us see” which adjustments need to be done for parenting our children. 

I have personally  regretted times I did not heed the nudge or gut feelings God sent to help us at times throughout the years.

 I have also been grateful for the promptings that helped me significantly. 

I am grateful God wants to partner with us to parent our children no matter what age they are. 


This verse explains how to help our children gain emotional intelligence and resilience. It is not easy in today’s world for our kids to navigate through social media, bullying and peer pressure. By introducing them to the One and teaching them His ways we help them understand who they really are. Not what others tell them. Our kids gain identity and emotional intelligence.

I added the framing verses in Deuteronomy those in the image above to give context. Our prevailing goal is to tightly bond our children to God and his unconditional love and encourage them to focus on his design for their lives.

Then hopefully the world cannot tell them who they are and what they should want. This of course is not a foolproof formula. It’s a relationship.

Children once they get older make choices that are good, bad, horrible and sometimes dangerous.

But….  if they know Him and His ways they may choose to seek to God to help them find their way out of trouble, depression and challenge.

If we as parents teach them… we empower them.



“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. 

These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. 

Impress them on your children. 

Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

Write them on the door frames of your houses and on your gates.”
‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭6:5-7, 9‬ ‭NIV‬‬,9.niv

Perhaps you to have some kids who struggle with anger? Here is a verse that helps. Once your child knows it by heart… You will only have to say the first part and they can finish it!

If we write God’s word on children’s heart He will scrub it and clean it for you.

God does the hard part!!!


Below is a version without my Aunti Lolo face!
