Mom Guilt: Has this ever happened to you?
At the end of the day… look at your preschoolers’ dinner plate only to realize HE NEVER ATE IT!
Even better…instead he had a doughnut as dinner when he went out with mommy for an evening errand.
Is that your mom guilt spot?
Today mommies have far greater expectations of parenthood than previous generations did.
Moms berate themselves for not ascending to ultimate levels of perfection in their parenting efforts.
This is not healthy nor realistic…BUT you KNOW that already right?
What can you DO to ease that craze beast?
1. “Perfect” family and friends who help you feel guilty about anything one no matter HOW many TIMES you explain WHY you do anything….THEY of course bath their kids morning and night, their babies were perfect sleepers and all their teens were well behaved……
2. Not feeding the kids enough healthy and sacred fruits and veggies! INSTEAD, regularly having survival dinner = cereal, peanut butter and jelly or fast food. When you cook your kids are surprised or scared.
3. Not bathing the little ones enough in honor of the Medieval era.
At the end of the day… look at your preschoolers’ dinner plate only to realize HE NEVER ATE IT!
Even better…instead he had a doughnut as dinner when he went out with mommy for an evening errand.
Is that your mom guilt spot?
Today mommies have far greater expectations of parenthood than previous generations did.
Moms berate themselves for not ascending to ultimate levels of perfection in their parenting efforts.
This is not healthy nor realistic…BUT you KNOW that already right?
What can you DO to ease that craze beast?
10 TIPS to Tackle That Mommy Guilt Beast
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