Archives For Care Giver Resources

Homeschooling, internet safety

What is the real reason behind our kid’s anger? Or perhaps the better question is, “What can we do about it? This anger iceberg diagram is one tool I’ve found to be useful in understanding how anger truly works beneath the surface.

It can be easy to assume a child’s anger stems from surface-level events, but more is underneath that behavior or attitude than we could imagine.

For example, I met for a session with a child client after a long unexpected absence, and they were very angry with me. Initially, they physically attempted to push me away many times as I walked into the room. I understood their anger was sadness and disappointment because of the time distance.

I have had many fun times with them and their family in the past, but it was easier for them to be mad and reject me. I have experienced similar reactions with teens who will emotionally push me away by acting rude or distant initially.

Since anger is an indicator, the diagram above gives us a visual to help identify what is happening.

anger iceberg = symptoms 

When the children or youth are angry, it is not time to reciprocate their emotions. Nor is it time to lecture them about their manners and behaviors. Instead, I like to try asking if they are sad or hurt in an attempt to help them start expressing their feelings with words.

Internet safety was an issue most caretakers and educators find challenging. I have included a handout that is basically a conversation starter

“10 Potential Solutions for Improved Internet Safety”

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“Parents need support understanding how to help their kids cope and process this tragedy… not just this one, but the  many others students live through that don’t ever make it to the headlines.”

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This is good news! God will help us raise our children and youth. He will also reach out and help our adult children who have left the next. I believe He will fill in the gaps of parenting and the lessons they resisted learning from us 🙂

God is the author and finisher of their faith. 

BUT… We do have to do our part. I believe God helps us see” which adjustments need to be done for parenting our children. 

I have personally  regretted times I did not heed the nudge or gut feelings God sent to help us at times throughout the years.

 I have also been grateful for the promptings that helped me significantly. 

I am grateful God wants to partner with us to parent our children no matter what age they are. 


The Digital Invasion Book

As a concerned parent of children who sometimes use cyberschool for our homeschooling with all the bells and whistles, I have enjoyed deeply learning from an instrumental internet safety book, The Digital Invasion: How Technology is Shaping You and Your Relationships by Dr. Archibald Hart and his daughter Dr. Sylvia Hart Frejd.

I have quoted this cyber safety book countless times since it was published in 2013 in presentations and when connecting with other concerned parents. There are many of us!

SIDE NOTE: I do recommend a separate resource below if the issues you are facing are more serious and already out of control!

Have you ever had a kid who has lost interest in everyday life?

Seems to be struggling more emotionally? Depressed?

Has lost interest in recreational activities and prefers gaming instead?

Does not want to relate to their family as much anymore?

Has a hard time falling asleep at night?

Complain they are bored more often than before?

The Digital Invasion book explains details to help caregivers not only support their family’s internet usage, but also understand what is happening inside their brains and hearts when they do. The Digital Invasion clarifies the impact of screens on learning. motivation and attention. I first learned about it through  an Association of Christian Counselors continuing education class. Dr. Archibald Hart was teaching counselors, pastors, educators, parents and grandparents the science behind internet usage. I was so fascinated I pre-purchased several copies before it published!

The Digital Invasion: How Technology is Shaping You and Your Relationships: Audio Interview Link

Since I just spoke to another mom about this book a few days ago… I wanted to add a little plug here with a link to click for an audio when the Harts interviewed with Focus on the Family.

Focus on the Family Link - Digital Invasion


I found The Digital Invasion more useful to our family than many of the other internet safety books available.

This book will not leave you feeling condemned but equipped to hopefully navigate toward a balance for improved family relationships.

For those who like quizzes, The Digital Invasion website contains a “Digital Wellness Quiz” or if your child’s gaming usage is serious the “Internet Addiction” test (IAT) by Dr. Kimberly Young…and offers other resources.

Resource for More Serious Internet Safety Addictions that may be Already Out of Control:

I recommend Dr. Kimberly Young’s website for serious internet safety issues that may require treatment services, detox or extra support for “Internet Gaming Disorder”, “Se*xting and Po*rn”, “Internet Infidelity” and deeper concerns that may have impacted your family.


Net Addiction website link - Dr Kimberly Young