Guest Author – Julie Zine Coleman shares her parenting wisdom for parents of preteens and teens. Children are unique, and not every strategy works for every child. However, there are some general principles.
When my children were little, it seemed like every parent my age was dreading the day their children would become teenagers. We all knew horror stories of sweet children who did the Dr. Jekyl/Mr. Hyde thing upon hitting adolescence, turning into almost unrecognizable monsters. In our minds, adolescence was certain to be the end of family peace and happiness as we knew it.
They entertained us with their wonderful humor, broke our hearts with their struggles, and encouraged us by their fledgling commitment to the Lord. Friends stopped over all of the time, and descended on our pantry like locusts. I don’t mean to give you the impression that life was perfect, or that my teens did not present huge challenges to my husband and me. Those years kept us on our knees as we watched our children begin to spread their wings. However, I can tell you there was never a dull moment in the Coleman household.

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In this video we chat about what you as a parent or caretaker can do when you are “sick and tired” of your toddler or preschooler is always telling you NO, drops the floor and throws a fit when you ask them to do something. Does this defiant behavior make you feel crazy and desperate?

It hurts my heart so see parents struggle with this problem. It is avoidable and will lead to a more peaceful home if well addressed.

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Heloise believes that we as parents, caretakers and educators:

Can equip our children with wisdom and knowledge to help them make wise choices online.

Can provide a safe haven for children and youth who realize they are off track and want help to reach out without judgment.

Can help them get back on track and offer services based on the level of support they need.

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Parent Support – An internet safety security warning concerning Smartphone pictures of our children with a proposed solution to protect kids

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Parent Support for Education Decisions:
State run public CHARTER CYBER SCHOOLS have been quite controversial in recent years.
Many HOMESCHOOLERS HAVE CONSIDERED using the services cyber charter schools offer at the cost of freedom.
There is definitely a trade-off. Exploring the differences will help parents make informed decisions.
7 factors will be evaluated
1. Structure
2. Curriculum
3. Freedom
4. Supplies
5. Support
6. Busy-work
7. School Identity

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