Anti-human Trafficking  Event: Her Key To Freedom

Heloise "Lois" Ridley, MBA, MA —  June 19, 2016

Come the story of one survivor of human trafficking…

Learn to look for clues to protect little children from victimization… 

Join us on Sunday, June 26th, 10:30am 

1650 Lehigh Street, Easton, PA

Our locally owned  non-profit, JWear will be represented at this event. They will sell their “Not in my city” anti-trafficking  t-shirts and other items.  JWear screen printing company is a blessing to many Easton at-risk youth whom they train to run a business and build their self-esteem. I have seen the benefits personally and these kids develop dreams and goals for their futures. That is priceless… I encourage you to buy from their table when you come.