The NEW HOPE concept is used to supporting individuals in their personal growth and healing process.
While there is exploration and research involved in connecting and understanding concepts within the framework, the NEW HOPE journey was actually an epiphany for me personally a few years ago when I took a look back in my life…
As a teen, I evolved into a high school truant after a close friend was senselessly murdered by a stranger who misunderstood what he was communicating.
Like many students, many teachers and loved ones had no idea why the sudden shift in my behaviors and schoolwork. Parents, relatives, educators, and other caregivers encouraged me for years to use various tools to dig out from this childhood trauma. They helped me keep taking the next tiny steps. Those forward movement healing and change steps are now part of my life metaphor represented in the image below.

Years later, I instinctively remembered my childhood reboot process when navigating through another few life crises while supporting an aging parent. Trauma truly hit my own family. Elements of the NEW HOPE framework began to crystalize. Although they were proven concepts from evidence-based research for years… in my life they seemed to emerge. I’ve reflected on the support and lessons I received since those early years. It was still a challenging journey using NEW HOPE strategies. It took more than “grit” and “getting over it”. I eventually learned trauma-healing theories that allowed me to put language to express my experiences.
I eventually noticed how much these concepts resonated with others when I shared them. Hopefully, the NEW HOPE framework will spark a flicker in the hearts of hurting individuals. Many components have been well-researched and utilized much more now that we are all healing from the effects of the global pandemic.
I love to sprinkle in a few stories, visuals, and neuroscience when sharing NEW HOPE to remain relatable and valuable. Many youth and young adults along the way have helped me tweak and adjust the NEW HOPE toolbox. Truthfully, young people are some of my best tutors.
Overall, my intent for the NEW HOPE framework is to encourage youth, young adults, caregivers, providers, and educators to consider the many tools available for their life reboot… no matter what it looks like right now.