Culturally-attuned, trauma-informed care:
- Supporting at-risk youth
- Suicide and self-harm
- Educational concerns
- Truancy
- Pornography
- Child Abuse
- Trafficking
- Defiance/aggression
- Parent incarceration
- Suicide and self-harm
- Culturally responsive practice in counseling & education
- When trauma hits the family
- Children and developmental trauma
- Rebellion/Defiance

- Wilkes University, EdD doctoral candidate
- Liberty University, MA in Professional Counseling degree
- Penn State University, MBA in Marketing and International Business
- Lincoln University, BS in Chemistry

Heloise and Rodney Sr. enjoy their six biological and several godchildren to keep the laughs going. The Ridley’s homeschooled for 19 years until 2017.

One of my favorite fun old videos of our twins when they were toddlers. They continue to keep me laughing!
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HeloiseRidley
Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/heloisejridleymba
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Heloise_J_Ridley