Archives For January 2016

I believe this says it all 🙂

Sometimes we may feel tired and disgusted. Some folks may not want to admit it because they have their “game face” on even though they are hurting inside. It’s ok. I get it….

Either way this verse is a promise from God… if we don’t quit.


We ask you Lord to renew our strength. We are trying our best but need a boost from You Lord. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Mommy Memories:

I loved to teach just Isaiah 40 verse 31 to toddlers with hand movements. The wee ones would be on my lap since I spent so much time pregnant or nursing somebody.  They loved to flap their wings around like an eagle, run around the room a few times and then march in place as I say it. We end it all and say “Yay, Hallelujah”

I’m sure I have an old video with the lil ones doing this on YouTube somewhere??

Maybe. I will check.

